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  • Квест может быть доступной интересной историей. Также возможен и более сложный вариант с событиями, актерами и призами
  • Личное участие автора необязательно необязательно

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Дмитрий Каплун
On the weekend we went on a quest with friends «Contrasts of pre-revolutionary Petrograd».

We were lucky with the weather, so the two-hour walk was great. Walking around St. Petersburg is always a pleasure, and there is also an additional interest in the form of a quest.

The quest itself is a set of simple tasks in interesting locations and a large number of amazing historical details of the life of St. Petersburg at the beginning of the 20th century.

But the most important thing is the atmosphere. We really felt like simple workers in a huge overpopulated metropolis and felt the contrasts that the description of the quest tells about.
Антон Якимов
Very cool!

Were with friends on a quest «5 эпох Костромы». It was very informative, it turned out to be such a fascinating excursion around Kostroma, which develops observation to the native area. Time has flown by, I want more and more.

Thanks to the authors and creators! Keep it up!
Наталья Линькова
Went on a quest «Laboratory C» in the city of Obninsk. I really like to learn history, especially when you are in the exact place where everything once happened. Very exciting! It is not enough to pass by, it is important to find out intriguing moments. Satisfied, happy and a bit tired, they returned home with unforgettable impressions. A very pleasant way to spend your leisure time.
Ольга Кузьмина
Quest "Hanseatic guest" Takes place in Veliky Novgorod.

Quest on an interesting topic. If you pass by the company, then more fun and not expensive. But you can go alone.

All assignments in the city center, among historical sites and ancient architecture. It is very easy to imagine yourself as a Hanseatic merchant, since all the events took place in this place in the 15th century. Fascinating plot. Lots of interesting, historically accurate information. I recommend it to anyone interested in medieval history.
Ванюха Володин
Passed a quest with fellow students «Herzen places of Vladimir». It was very interesting to look at the places where one of the philosophical minds of Russia in the 19th century walked. A walk through the old part of Vladimir will give all participants an unforgettable experience. You will also enjoy the performance of interesting tasks.
Жая Нурбаева
Went with friends for a hike «Depraved Petersburg». The topic is interesting, we learned a lot of interesting facts: that in the 19th century in St. Petersburg prostitution was a legal occupation, what Lantern Lane is famous for, what is located today in the building of the first brothel and much more. Particularly impressive was the information about the fraud scheme, in which several people participated. In general, we liked the quest, we recommend it!
Дмитрий Каплун
On the weekend we went on a quest with friends «Contrasts of pre-revolutionary Petrograd».

We were lucky with the weather, so the two-hour walk was great. Walking around St. Petersburg is always a pleasure, and there is also an additional interest in the form of a quest.

The quest itself is a set of simple tasks in interesting locations and a large number of amazing historical details of the life of St. Petersburg at the beginning of the 20th century.

But the most important thing is the atmosphere. We really felt like simple workers in a huge overpopulated metropolis and felt the contrasts that the description of the quest tells about.
Антон Якимов
Very cool!

Were with friends on a quest «5 эпох Костромы». It was very informative, it turned out to be such a fascinating excursion around Kostroma, which develops observation to the native area. Time has flown by, I want more and more.

Thanks to the authors and creators! Keep it up!
Наталья Линькова
Went on a quest «Laboratory C» in the city of Obninsk. I really like to learn history, especially when you are in the exact place where everything once happened. Very exciting! It is not enough to pass by, it is important to find out intriguing moments. Satisfied, happy and a bit tired, they returned home with unforgettable impressions. A very pleasant way to spend your leisure time.
Ольга Кузьмина
Quest "Hanseatic guest" Takes place in Veliky Novgorod.

Quest on an interesting topic. If you pass by the company, then more fun and not expensive. But you can go alone.

All assignments in the city center, among historical sites and ancient architecture. It is very easy to imagine yourself as a Hanseatic merchant, since all the events took place in this place in the 15th century. Fascinating plot. Lots of interesting, historically accurate information. I recommend it to anyone interested in medieval history.
Ванюха Володин
Passed a quest with fellow students «Herzen places of Vladimir». It was very interesting to look at the places where one of the philosophical minds of Russia in the 19th century walked. A walk through the old part of Vladimir will give all participants an unforgettable experience. You will also enjoy the performance of interesting tasks.
Жая Нурбаева
Went with friends for a hike «Depraved Petersburg». The topic is interesting, we learned a lot of interesting facts: that in the 19th century in St. Petersburg prostitution was a legal occupation, what Lantern Lane is famous for, what is located today in the building of the first brothel and much more. Particularly impressive was the information about the fraud scheme, in which several people participated. In general, we liked the quest, we recommend it!
Дмитрий Каплун
On the weekend we went on a quest with friends «Contrasts of pre-revolutionary Petrograd».

We were lucky with the weather, so the two-hour walk was great. Walking around St. Petersburg is always a pleasure, and there is also an additional interest in the form of a quest.

The quest itself is a set of simple tasks in interesting locations and a large number of amazing historical details of the life of St. Petersburg at the beginning of the 20th century.

But the most important thing is the atmosphere. We really felt like simple workers in a huge overpopulated metropolis and felt the contrasts that the description of the quest tells about.
Антон Якимов
Very cool!

Were with friends on a quest «5 эпох Костромы». It was very informative, it turned out to be such a fascinating excursion around Kostroma, which develops observation to the native area. Time has flown by, I want more and more.

Thanks to the authors and creators! Keep it up!
Наталья Линькова
Went on a quest «Laboratory C» in the city of Obninsk. I really like to learn history, especially when you are in the exact place where everything once happened. Very exciting! It is not enough to pass by, it is important to find out intriguing moments. Satisfied, happy and a bit tired, they returned home with unforgettable impressions. A very pleasant way to spend your leisure time.
Ольга Кузьмина
Quest "Hanseatic guest" Takes place in Veliky Novgorod.

Quest on an interesting topic. If you pass by the company, then more fun and not expensive. But you can go alone.

All assignments in the city center, among historical sites and ancient architecture. It is very easy to imagine yourself as a Hanseatic merchant, since all the events took place in this place in the 15th century. Fascinating plot. Lots of interesting, historically accurate information. I recommend it to anyone interested in medieval history.
Ванюха Володин
Passed a quest with fellow students «Herzen places of Vladimir». It was very interesting to look at the places where one of the philosophical minds of Russia in the 19th century walked. A walk through the old part of Vladimir will give all participants an unforgettable experience. You will also enjoy the performance of interesting tasks.
Жая Нурбаева
Went with friends for a hike «Depraved Petersburg». The topic is interesting, we learned a lot of interesting facts: that in the 19th century in St. Petersburg prostitution was a legal occupation, what Lantern Lane is famous for, what is located today in the building of the first brothel and much more. Particularly impressive was the information about the fraud scheme, in which several people participated. In general, we liked the quest, we recommend it!
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